How to Convert Your Website to a Progressive Web App

Technology is changing the way we live, but it is also changing the way we work. The goal of technology is to improve life quality, which is why software development has progressed from websites/portals to mobile applications. Progressive Web Apps are the next phase in this evolutionary process.

PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are web-based application software. What sets them apart is that they provide an app-like experience with app-like benefits while utilizing modern web capabilities.

A progressive web app, in principle, concentrates on the core web page first, then adds layers of presentation and functionality to it over time, depending on the browser visitors are using and their internet connection.

Why Do We Need Progressive Web Apps?

Progressive web applications, like every new technology, aim to make life easier by integrating the benefits of both websites and mobile apps while eliminating some of their disadvantages.

Brands that use PWAs saw a remarkable increase in page views and a lower bounce rate when compared to a similar mobile website. Brands have reaped the benefits of a 137% increase in overall engagement and a 52% increase in conversion rates. This is due to the significant benefits that PWAs have over web pages.

PWAs are platform-independent, reliable, quick, and engaging. Users may store progressive web apps on their mobile devices in the same way that they save mobile apps, and they can use them offline as well. These are responsive and adapt well to different devices, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Because of transport layer security (TLS), security is another crucial benefit of progressive web apps. Service workers that operate solely via TLS or HTTPS are a required component of these apps.

These apps provide a quicker performance since the major files are cached locally. It has the added benefit of allowing simple sharing via URL.

With so many advantages, PWA is likely to be incredibly beneficial to businesses. According to studies, many users are hesitant to browse app stores and download/install apps. Not only this wastes time and space, but it also exposes users’ devices to security risks. PWAs also free users from these inconveniences.

As previously said, progressive web apps provide a superior user experience and increase engagement. As a result, these ultimately assist businesses by increasing their user base and profits.

How simple is it to convert your website into a progressive web app and grow your business?

How to Convert Your Website to a Progressive Web App?

Before we look into the conversion process, we need to know which features will be included.

The objective is to ensure that all web browsers can access key information and functions. Then, as the term implies, improvements in layout and behavior are added.

Here are the required elements and steps for a successful conversion into a progressive web app.

1. Switching to HTTPS

Switching from HTTP to HTTPS is required to convert to PWA. Service workers, for example, are a crucial component of the PWA changeover. They only work via secure networks. As a result, if you want to convert your website to a PWA, you will need to enable transport layer security (TLS) and migrate to HTTPS. So, what is the best way to do it?

The Transport Layer Security Protocol ensures security and aids in the prevention of unwanted access. You will need an SSL certificate to make the transition to HTTPS. Take a complete backup of your data as a preventative step. After that, convert all internal links to HTTPS.

2. Service Workers

The ability to operate offline is another key feature of a PWA. This is accomplished through the use of service workers. As a result, service workers are an important part of the PWA conversion process.

In technical terms, a service worker is a JavaScript file that acts as a scriptable network proxy between the browser and the host, allowing the website to support offline and other PWA features. These make use of caching techniques to provide a flawless offline experience.

Registration, installation, and activation are the three primary steps for adding service workers. Registration is the process of informing the browser about the location of the service worker for the installation. If the browser does not already have a service worker installed, or if the service worker has to be updated, installation is required. When all of the PWAs pages are closed, service worker activation is required to avoid any conflicts between the previous version and the new version.

The benefits of reduced storage, real-time updates, search engine visibility, faster speed, and increased performance are also passed on to progressive web apps through service workers.

3. Creating the JSON File – Web App Manifest

A web app manifest is a JSON file that gives developers a single location to store metadata for their app, web app, or progressive web app.  This metadata comprises the name of the app, links to pictures and icons, the preferred launch URL of the app, default orientation, app configuration data, description, scope, theme color, and display settings, among other things.

This JSON file (web app manifest) contains all of the information necessary for the browser to display the app correctly. As a result, you must include this manifest in your HTML template.

4. Testing Your Progressive Web App

Without testing, no process is complete. So, now that you have switched to HTTPS, installed service workers, and produced the web app manifest, you will need to run some tests to ensure that your website has successfully converted to a progressive web app.

After that, double-check that the service worker is registered in developer tools. It should be listed in the application panel under the service workers tab if it was successfully deployed for the currently active page. Updated service workers should activate as soon as the new page loads.

Also, check the offline capabilities. From the second visit thereafter, the homepage must load offline. You should also be able to view “index.html” and “images/” in the cache.


Progressive web apps are the new big thing in software development. The best part is that converting your website to a progressive web app is very simple. So, follow this easy guide to convert your website to a progressive web app!